I was asked for my take on a new Star Trek Starbase that would occupy the era 20 years before the K-9 Station of the Original Series... and this is what I came up with. This facility would not only contain living quarters & offices, expected in a StarBase, but would also have DryDock mooring & service areas for multiple ships. Another feature, introduced in this Design, would be abbreviated service gantries, located above & below each mooring station. These would slide into place, working on one area at a time but could be added on to, for a simultaneous full ship servicing.
Toward the bottom of the first page, I was asked to bring it closer to the round DryDock seen in The second Trek Motion Picture. I then built and rendered a simple model, to see how it all might come together.
The third page, here, shows a collection of test renders - to help the thinking process. Eventually, however,... a different Design was used, altogether.